At Biostory, we strive to provide accurate and engaging biographies. Please read this disclaimer carefully.
Content Accuracy
While we endeavor to verify information, Biostory cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of biographies.
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Biostory may link to external sources. We are not responsible for their content, accuracy, or privacy practices.
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Biographies may contain personal opinions and views, which are not necessarily those of Biostory.
Biostory shall not be liable for any damages, losses, or expenses arising from:
1. Inaccurate or incomplete information
2. Third-party content
3. User reliance on biographies
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Biostory respects intellectual property rights. If you believe your work has been infringed, contact us.
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This disclaimer is governed by and construed in accordance with Nigerian law.
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Best regards,
The Biostory Team